Partnership Agreement Template

Partnership Agreement Template

Partnership agreements are important legal documents that outline the partnership between two or more individuals. This document can help to protect both parties in the event of any disputes or misunderstandings. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of partnership agreements, when they should be used, and what should be included in them. We will also provide a template that you can use to create your own agreement.

What is a Partnership Agreement?

A partnership agreement is a contract between two or more individuals who are entering into a business partnership. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the partnership, including each partner’s duties and responsibilities, percent ownership interest, and profit-sharing arrangement.

The partnership agreement should be created before the partners start conducting business together. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings down the road and will provide a framework for how the business will be operated.

There are many different types of partnerships, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of partnership that you choose will depend on your specific circumstances and goals.

Types of Partnership Agreements

Here are some of the most common types of partnerships:

  • General Partnership: A general partnership is the simplest form of partnership. It is typically used for businesses that are just starting out and do not have a lot of assets or employees.
  • Limited Partnership: A limited partnership is similar to a general partnership, but it has one or more partners who are only liable for the amount of money that they have invested in the business.
  • Joint Venture: A joint venture is a temporary partnership between two or more companies that are working together on a specific project.
  • Franchise: A franchise is an agreement between a franchisor and a franchisee. The franchisor provides the franchisee with the right to use their name and trademarks, as well as access to their business model and support.

When choosing which type of partnership is right for your business, it is important to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each. You will also need to consult with an attorney to draft a partnership agreement that meets your specific needs.


  • sharing the risk and costs associated with starting and running a business;
  • pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise;
  • having built-in accountability partners; and
  • being able to tap into a larger network of contacts and resources.


  • disagreements between partners that can lead to conflict;
  • the potential for one partner to take advantage of another;
  • the need to share profits;
  • the possibility that a partnership will dissolve if one partner wants out.

The Key Components

There are four key components that should be included in every partnership agreement:

  1. Partnership term: this is the length of time the partnership will exist;
  2. Dissolution clause: this outlines what will happen if the partnership ends early;
  3. Description of business: this explains what the partnership will do; and
  4. Roles and responsibilities of each partner: this outlines what each partner will do.

A partnership agreement should also include a section on how to resolve disputes. This is important because it can help prevent partners from going to court if there is a disagreement.

Tips for Creating

When creating a partnership agreement template, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure the agreement is in writing. This will make it easier to enforce if there are any disputes.
  • Be clear and concise. The more specific the agreement is, the less room there will be for interpretation.
  • Get input from all partners. All partners should have a say in what goes into the agreement.
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer. This will help ensure that it is legally binding and covers all the bases.
  • Make sure all partners sign the agreement. This will make it official and binding.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your partnership agreement is thorough and will protect all parties involved.

How to Use?

If you are entering into a business partnership, it is important to have a written agreement in place. This will help to protect your interests and provide clarity on the expectations of each partner.

A partnership agreement template can be used to create a customized agreement for your business. Simply download the template, fill in the required information, and have all partners sign the agreement.

Sample Partnership Agreement

This partnership agreement template can be used to create a legally binding document between two business partners. This agreement can help to define the roles and responsibilities of each partner, how profits will be shared, and what will happen if the partnership is dissolved.

To use this template, simply fill in the required information and have all partners sign the agreement.

This Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [DATE] between [PARTNER A] with a mailing address of [ADDRESS] (“First Partner”), and [PARTNER B] with a mailing address of [ADDRESS] (“Second Partner”). Together, the Partners will be referred to as the “Parties.”


II. Term of Partnership: This Agreement will begin on the date of this Agreement and will remain in full force and effect until [DATE], unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement (the “Term”). 

III. Roles and Responsibilities:



IV. Profit Sharing: The Parties agree that profits generated from the business partnership will be shared equally between them.


VI. Expenses: The Parties agree to share all expenses incurred in connection with the business partnership equally.


Signatures: _____________________________ _____________________________

First Partner Second Partner  Date: ___________________ Date: ___________________