Horse Boarding Contract Template: How to Create and Free Sample

Sample Horse Boarding Contract Template

If you are a horse owner, then you know that boarding your animal can be expensive. That is why it is important to have a horse boarding contract in place. This document will outline the expectations and responsibilities of both the horse owner and the stable owner. In this blog post, we will discuss what a horse boarding contract is, how to create one, and what should be included in it. We will also provide a free sample for you to use as a reference.

What Is a Horse Boarding Contract?

A horse boarding contract is an agreement between the owner and the stable manager. It lays out the terms and conditions of the board, including the length of stay, price, and any special requirements or services that are included.

The contract should also specify what type of care the horse will receive, how often they will be fed and exercised, and what vaccinations and other medical treatments are required.

It is important to have a clear understanding of all the terms before signing any contracts. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your veterinarian or another professional for advice.

The Benefits of Using

There are many benefits to using a horse boarding contract template. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it saves you time. If you were to create a contract from scratch, it would likely take several hours, if not days.

A horse boarding contract template also helps to ensure that all of the important details are included. When you create a contract from scratch, it is easy to forget something important or to leave out key information.

Using a horse boarding contract template can also help to protect both the stable owner and the boarder. By having all of the terms and conditions in writing, both parties can avoid disagreements or misunderstandings down the road.

What Information Should Be Included?

There are a few key things that should be included in any horse boarding contract template. These items will help to protect both the stable owner and the boarder, and will help to make sure that everyone is on the same page from the start.

Some of the things that should be included in a horse boarding contract template are:

  • The name, address, and contact information for both the stable owner and the boarder
  • The dates of when the boarder will begin and end their stay
  • A description of the property where the horse will be boarded
  • The stall or paddock assignment for the horse
  • The feed schedule and type of feed that will be given to the horse
  • Details about exercise, turnout, and other care that will be provided
  • Any rules or regulations that the boarder must follow
  • The boarding fee and any other charges that may apply

Creating a horse boarding contract doesn’t have to be complicated. By including all of the important information, you can help to ensure that both the stable owner and the boarder are happy with the arrangement. And, if anything ever does go wrong, having a contract in place can help to protect everyone involved.

Tips for Creating

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you create your contract template:

  1. Be sure to include all relevant information, such as contact information for both parties, the address of the property where the horse will be boarded, and the duration of the agreement.
  2. Be clear and specific about the services you will provide, as well as any limits or restrictions. For example, if you only offer full-board, be sure to state this in the contract.
  3. Make sure that both you and the client understand and agree to the terms of the contract before signing it. Once it’s signed, it’s legally binding, so be sure that everything is in order before putting your name on the dotted line.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thorough and legally binding horse boarding contract template.


This horse boarding contract template can be used as a starting point for creating your own contract. Be sure to tailor the language and terms to fit your specific situation and needs.

Horse Boarding Contract Template

[Owner's Name] hereby contracts with [Boarder's Name] to board [horse's name] at [stable name] located at [address]. This contract is for the period of [start date] through [end date], and may be renewed by mutual agreement of the parties.

The monthly boarding fee is $[amount], due on or before the first of each month. If payment is not received by the fifth of each month, a late fee of $[amount] will be assessed. Board is considered paid when cash or check is received, or when funds have cleared if paying by money order or PayPal.

[Boarder's Name] agrees to the following terms and conditions:

I will provide [horse's name] with quality hay, grain, and water at all times. I will maintain his/her stall in a clean and safe condition. I will exercise [him/her] a minimum of [amount of times per week] days per week. I understand that should I fail to do so, [stable name] reserves the right to hire help at my expense.

I acknowledge that horseback riding is a hazardous sport and accept full responsibility for any and all damages or injuries which may occur to me or my property while participating in activities at the [stable name] or while using [stable name]'s facilities, equipment, or services.

I agree to pay [amount per week] per week for board and that all payments are due on Monday morning of each week. I understand that a late fee of $[late fee amount] will be applied to any payments made after Wednesday of each week. If I fail to make a payment within two weeks of the original due date, I understand that my horse may be sold at public auction with no refund given to me.

I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.

[Boarder's Name]

Address: _____________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________ Email: ____________________

Signed: _____________________________ Date: _______________

[Stable Owner's Name]

Address: _____________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________ Email: ____________________

Signed: _____________________________ Date: _______________