The process of getting an electronic signature in Spain is not very different from the process of getting one in other countries. The first step to obtaining an electronic signature is to search for a digital ID provider. These providers will help generate the certificate and the private key required for accessing your document electronically. Once you have done this, it can take up to 10 days before you are able to get an electronic signature on any document that requires one. The last thing you need to do is accept all terms and conditions related to your certificate before proceeding!
The process of getting an electronic signature in Spain
When you use a sign, it depends on what the sign is for. There are different requirements for each type of electronic signature in Spain, so it is important to know which one you will need before getting started.
First off, there are two types of e-signatures that can be used in Spain: qualified and simple e-signature. The main difference between these two kinds of signatures is whether or not they require authentication by a public body (qualified) or not (simple).
The qualified e-signature has to be authenticated by a public body, which means that the signer’s identity will need to verify. This type of electronic signature in Spain is much more difficult and expensive to obtain than simple signatures are.
There are two different types of qualified e-signatures: soft and hard. A “soft” qualified signature can only be used for authentication purposes, while a “hard” one can also serve as an advanced form of security for online transactions with commercial value (such as banking).
A simple e-signature does not require any kind of validation from a public authority and thus it doesn’t need strong security measures or costly procedures like those required for its ‘qualified’ counterpart. Instead, it can be used for private transactions, such as registering online for an event.
A qualified electronic signature requires a much higher standard of security measures and validation by public authorities in order to guarantee that the person who signs is the same one with whom he or she claims to have established their identity contractually.
The general purpose of this document will focus on simple e-signatures but it should be noted that all requirements mentioned below are also required for obtaining qualified signatures (unless stated otherwise). The process begins with subscribing through an internet service provider (ISP) which must provide support services approved by either ETSI or another official certification body within Spain. Then, you need to request your digital certificate from Certificaat – ProCertum parts of which are certified by Spanish government certification bodies.
Lastly, you need to apply for your digital certificate and then complete the process of signing your contracts electronically on a website that offers electronic signature services in Spain such as Signaturit or e-Certify. You can also do it yourself with specialized software like DocuSign if you wish to save some money but we must warn you about possible legal consequences this may cause so think carefully before deciding whether or not to use these services. The process of obtaining an electronic signature is very straightforward and quick as long as all requirements mentioned above have been met beforehand.
Let’s recap:
To get an Electronic Signature in Spain firstly subscribe through ISP who provides support services approved by ETSI or another European Telecommunication Standard Institute.
You also need:
- A valid email address and a computer with internet connection;
- An electronic device such as the eID card, USB token, or mobile phone allows you to generate your own digital signature or use one already generated by third parties (such as DocuSign). Remember that only Spanish citizens can obtain an eID card so for foreigners this alternative is not possible. The same applies if you don’t want to spend money on buying tokens because these are quite expensive. In both cases, we recommend using software like DocuSign since it provides excellent quality services at low costs compared to other options available out there.
Where to get your ID card and what is required for it
If you are a Spanish citizen, the first thing that is required to get your own digital signature is obtaining an ID card (known as DNI in Spain). You can do this on the Ministry of Interior website.
There are different requirements depending on whether you apply for it by post or if you decide to go personally. If you choose to make an application through post, you will need: A completed form (available on the Internet) filled out and signed; valid identity card or passport; proof of residence (a recent bill); photo with white background; a photocopy of your identity document and your foreign cards. If you have any, translate these documents into Spanish. If you are not in person, find a translator to do the work for you.
If you choose to go personally, bring these documents: A completed form (available on the Internet) filled out and signed; a valid identity card or passport; proof of residence (a recent bill); a photo with white background. For your digital signature, a notary public will need an original copy of your ID document along with a photocopy.
When applying for a certificate in person you also have to pay the fee – currently set at €27 per year. This payment can be made using cash or by debit/credit cards issued outside Spain only. Only credit cards issued in Spain are accepted if paying via post. Interested applicants from countries within the European Union must fill out Annex II of Royal Decree 291/2009 regarding electronic signatures, which can be downloaded from the Ministry website.
The electronic signature is valid for five years after it has been registered, and can only be applied once in a person’s lifetime. The applicant will receive an email notification when their registration is completed (this may take up to 20 working days). Please note that certificates are not validated by foreign authorities, which means there may still be some paperwork to complete before it becomes valid outside Spain.
What are the benefits of e-signature vs traditional paper signature
An electronic signature is a digital alternative to traditional paper signatures that are used for identification purposes. It consists of an advanced security key located in the computer, tablet, or smartphone of the user which connects them to their specific account at the time they want to sign something online, allowing them to access all documents and transactions securely through said device.
This means less paperwork as only one document needs to be signed instead of several copies being made, which reduces costs significantly. This also allows information sharing on multiple devices without worrying about losing important pieces of documentation due to storage problems. The implementation process can also be accelerated by using this type of signature since it doesn’t require any additional hardware or software installation other than having some kind of e-mail service.
There are several digital signature types, each of them having pros and cons. For example, a qualified electronic signature is considered more legally binding than an advanced electronic signature because it has to be created within the framework of an existing agreement between two parties or companies. On the other hand, some countries only accept certain forms of approvals depending on their type of legal system (common law vs civil law).
FAQs about electronic signatures in Spain
Are electronic signatures valid in Spain?
Yes, if they fall under the European Regulation N.910/2014 (and not Legislative Decree No. 82 of April 14th, 2005) which ensures security and authenticity for digital transactions like buying real estate or signing contracts online over a computer network without having to go through paper documents.
What are the requirements needed to sign an agreement electronically?
In order for it to be considered legally binding, you have to comply with all EU regulations depending on whether your business is based within Europe or outside of Europe. The main point of mentioning this is that the signature must prove that there will be legal certainty when dealing with e-commerce between two people from different countries within the EU.
What are the legal requirements to have a legally binding electronic signature?
There are many but there are two main ones that must be met for it not only to become valid but also enforceable. Firstly, your digital signature should comply with Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 and secondly, you need Digital Signature Certificates which can be obtained from certification service providers such as Comodo CA or GlobalSign. It is important for this certificate to meet all of the necessary standards set out by EU regulations so they will need to provide proof their certificates do in fact achieve these criteria.
The process of signing a document without an e-signature has been time-consuming because different versions of the document had to be sent back.
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